Searches surged during lockdown, with afternoon tea delivery being the most Googled food term of last year.

This time last year, the term lockdown didn’t really mean much to many of us. Fast forward to now and it’s becoming almost the norm. It may have changed a lot about our lives, but one thing that’s not changed is your love for a scrumptious afternoon tea treat.

I didn’t know that when I came up with the idea of our Afternoon tea experiences, that online searches for them were ever increasing, so much so that last year, afternoon tea delivery was the most Googled food term!

Let’s go back to June….the Afternoon tea experience was thought up during lockdown. I’d not long ‘invested’ in this stunning campervan. A dream come true – and one that I wanted to share with others, not lock away in a garage, only to be bought out and polished. (Although that does happen, a lot!)

The ideas that flew around to start with were to use Willow for weddings. I had been working full time as a wedding photographer for a few years, so it made sense to do something different but still in the wedding industry. Using my knowledge of all thing weddings and my newly aquried wheels, it seemed like the perfect plan…then along came that nasty disease which messed up lots of couples wedding plans and threw a spanner well and truly at all wedding suppliers.

Given that the situation we were all in was pretty rubbish, ideas on how to make people feel better were becoming a priority. Tea and cake makes everything better, everyone knows that! You guys still had birthdays to celebrate, some of you were just wanting to do something as a treat and then there were those who wanted a little time out from everything crazy that was (and still is,) going on.

Combine tea and cake with a leisure drive in a vintage veichle and you have a unique experience for any occasion. Our afternoon tea experience was go!

Our first booking was November 1st, we’ve since completed twelve other experiences including a 91st birthday celebration, a surpise early Christmas present and a lockdown pick me up.

If you’re looking for something a bit different, like VWs or just like cake, get in touch with us!